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Pearl River Resort Casino / Waterpark / Golf in one stop!, Philadelphia, MS (KMPE)

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Pearl River Resort Casino / Waterpark / Golf in one stop!

We enjoy flying to Philadelphia Mississippi. Pearl river resort transportation 601-416-1192 will pick you up at the airport free of charge and take you to your choice of Geyser Falls water theme park, Dancing Rabbit golf club, Silverstar Casino, or Golden moon casino. There is a lot of entertainment for all ages at this stop. The FBO is small but clean, staff is friendly, and self serve fuel is available. - Submitted by Ronnie Montague
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How far away is Pearl River Resort Casino / Waterpark / Golf in one stop!?
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Phone: 866/447/3275
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Philadelphia Muni (MPE)

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Latitude: 32-47-57.1633N
Longitude: 089-07-33.5899W
Elevation: 458
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 123
Unicom: 123

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13550 ms.16
Philadelphia, MS
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
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Memphis 31 miles
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Memphis 34 miles
9M4 Ackerman Choctaw County Ackerman, MS
Memphis 35 miles
2M4 G V Montgomery Forest, MS
Memphis 37 miles
MEI Key Field Meridian, MS
Memphis 39 miles
20M Macon Muni Macon, MS
Memphis 41 miles
STF George M Bryan Starkville, MS
Memphis 47 miles
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Pearl River Resort Casino - Uploaded by Mike

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