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The Rib Mountain Inn, Wausau, WI (KAUW)

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The Rib Mountain Inn

Locally Pilot Owned! Granite Peak's Closest Ski Lodge! Offering nice, spacious accommodations at reasonable rates. Real wood-burning fireplaces and kitchenettes en-suite, 1-4 bedroom condos available. Hot breakfast on weekends. Transportation available with prior reservation. Outdoor Hot Tub, Sauna, and grills. Adjacent to golf course. Activities abound! Downhill Skiing, Cross country skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, mountain biking, hiking, golfing, fishing, boating, leaf peeping, its all here! - Submitted by Ned Markey
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Email: info@ribmountaininn.com
Phone: 877-960-8900
Airport Information:
Wausau Downtown (AUW)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 44-55-34.6243N
Longitude: 089-37-37.2063W
Elevation: 1201
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A MOGAS
CTAF: 122.7
Unicom: 122.7

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2900 Rib Mountain Way
Wausau, WI
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68C Central County Iola, WI
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CLI Clintonville Muni Clintonville, WI
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RHI Rhinelander-Oneida County Rhinelander, WI
Green Bay 49 miles
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The Rib Mountain Inn - Uploaded by Mike

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