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Genesis Flight Academy, Georgetown, TX (GTU)

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Genesis Flight Academy

Genesis Flight Academy has one of the largest selections of pilot supplies in the greater Austin area including charts, reference materials, and training materials. We are a Lightspeed Aviation, Arctic Air and Sporty's Pilot Shop Dealer. Come try our Redbird flight simulator or take a flight in our 2011 Cessna 162 Skyhawk! - Submitted by Lacy Keeling
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100LL JET-A Maintenance
Oxygen Tiedowns
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Contact Information:
Email: info@flygtu.com
Phone: 512.931.0330
Airport Information:
Georgetown Muni (GTU)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 30-40-43.7000N
Longitude: 097-40-45.8000W
Elevation: 789
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A1+
CTAF: 120.225
Unicom: 123

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160 Terminal Drive
Georgetown, TX
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Genesis Flight Academy - Uploaded by Ted Wilson

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