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Cole Farm New Hampshire - 06NH


Cole Farm
Kensington, New Hampshire

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Airport Location:
FAA Identifier: 06NH
Latitude/Longitude: 42-55-42.3200N / 070-58-23.2000W
42.9283 / -70.9731
Elevation: 160 feet MSL (Estimated)
Magnetic Variation: 16W (2000)
Land Area Covered: acres
From City: 2 nautical miles W of Kensington, NH
County/Parish: Rockingham, NH
Airport Operations:
Airport Use: Private
Activiation Date: 11/1/2000 12:00:00 AM
Sectional Chart: New York
Control Tower: No
ARTCC: Boston Center (ZBW)
FSS: Bangor Flight Service Station ()
Attendance: UNATNDD
Wind Indicator:
Segmented Circle: No
Runway Information:
Runway: 17/35
Dimensions: 1900 x 150 ft.
Surface: Grass, sod
Airport Ownership and Management:
Ownership: Privately Owned
Owner: George Cole
89 Stumpfield Road
Kensington, NH 03833
Manager: George Cole
89 Stumpfield Road
Kensington, NH 03833
Sectional Map:
Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
7B3 Hampton Airfield Hampton, NH - Public New York 8 miles
2B2 Plum Island Newburyport, MA - Public New York 11 miles
PSM Portsmouth Intl At Pease Portsmouth, NH - Public New York 13 miles
LWM Lawrence Muni Lawrence, MA - Public New York 16 miles
3B4 Littlebrook Air Park Eliot, ME - Public New York 18 miles
MHT Manchester Manchester, NH - Public New York 23 miles
BVY Beverly Rgnl Beverly, MA - Public New York 24 miles
DAW Skyhaven Rochester, NH - Public New York 25 miles
ASH Boire Field Nashua, NH - Public New York 29 miles
CON Concord Muni Concord, NH - Public New York 33 miles
SFM Sanford Seacoast Rgnl Sanford, ME - Public New York 35 miles
BED Laurence G Hanscom Fld Bedford, MA - Public New York 36 miles
BOS General Edward Lawrence Logan Intl Boston, MA - Public New York 39 miles
6B6 Minute Man Air Field Stow, MA - Public New York 43 miles
B19 Biddeford Muni Biddeford, ME - Public New York 45 miles
FIT Fitchburg Muni Fitchburg, MA - Public New York 48 miles
8B1 Hawthorne-Feather Airpark Hillsboro, NH - Public New York 48 miles
9B1 Marlboro Marlboro, MA - Public New York 49 miles
LCI Laconia Muni Laconia, NH - Public New York 50 miles
Nearby Private Airports: (20 mile radius)
21NH Propwash Kensington, NH - Private New York 2 miles
NH67 Winterwood Brentwood, NH - Private New York 4 miles
6MA2 Meadowbrook Amesbury, MA - Private New York 5 miles
NH61 New Poverty Flats Chester, NH - Private New York 11 miles
04MA Goddard Haverhill, MA - Private New York 12 miles
29NH Cleary Auburn, NH - Private New York 19 miles
MA36 Snow Ipswich, MA - Private New York 19 miles
NH43 Murphy-Sherwood Park Nottingham, NH - Private New York 19 miles
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