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Cafe Eccell - Grill and Fresh Seafood Bistro, College Station, TX (CLL)

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Cafe Eccell - Grill and Fresh Seafood Bistro

8-04-2006 Flew into College Station, Easterwood Airport, on a Thursday evening and had a wonderful dinner at Cafe Eccell. The food is top notch and so are the deserts...mmmm. The airport provides a courtesy car (first come) and the restaurant is only minutes away. Highly recommended by this group of flyers.
pt/N732TY - Submitted by pamtoth
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Contact Information:
Email: cafeeccell@hotmail.com
Phone: 979.846.7908
Airport Information:
Easterwood Field (CLL)

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Latitude: 30-35-18.9000N
Longitude: 096-21-49.8000W
Elevation: 320
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A Jet-A+
CTAF: 118.5
Unicom: 122.95

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101 Church Avenue
College Station, TX
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7/20/2010 - Did a repeat visit on July 18, 2010, Cafe Eccell is still a great place to have dinner. The airport is very accommodating with a courtesy car...a great evening was had by all!! - Submitted by N732TY
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
CFD Coulter Field Bryan, TX
Houston 9 miles
RWV Caldwell Muni Caldwell, TX
Houston 21 miles
60R Navasota Muni Navasota, TX
Houston 21 miles
LHB Hearne Muni Hearne, TX
Houston 25 miles
11R Brenham Muni Brenham, TX
Houston 25 miles
51R Madisonville Muni Madisonville, TX
Houston 33 miles
RCK H H Coffield Rgnl Rockdale, TX
Houston 37 miles
T35 Cameron Muni Airpark Cameron, TX
Houston 41 miles
06R Grawunder Field Bellville, TX
Houston 45 miles
GYB Giddings-Lee County Giddings, TX
Houston 47 miles
UTS Huntsville Muni Huntsville, TX
Houston 47 miles
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Cafe Eccell logo - Uploaded by Roy

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