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Kentucky Dam State Park, Kentucky Dam Village, KY (M34)

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Kentucky Dam State Park

This airport is about a mile from Kentucky Lake and State Park. It isn't a bad walk but their is a courtesy car or the Lodge at the Lake will pick you up. Its also a great place to eat and enjoy the scenery. Has a nice golf course. - Submitted by lbug
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Phone: 270-362-4271
Airport Information:
Kentucky Dam State Park (M34)

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Latitude: 37-00-34.9000N
Longitude: 088-17-57.6000W
Elevation: 349
CTAF: 123
Unicom: 123

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3/30/2021 - Fuel has been added to Kentucky Dam Airport M34 as well as resurfaced and new lights. The courtesy vehicle is currently not in operation due to COVID restrictions, however, Lyft is available. - Submitted by Blair Travis

9/29/2014 - Mogas 93 avail. At west end of field. Station also has a restaurant and owner will brig gas to plane - Submitted by Bob Corey

5/26/2012 - Scenic place to fly to, but will have to walk about a mile, including a short jaunt on side of moderately busy road, to lake and campgrounds. Path takes you through bald eagle nesting grounds. Airport does not have gas, but does have restroom and water. - Submitted by Ashleigh

9/25/2011 - One of our favorite places to fly into, the best place to eat is Patti's. They pick you up at this airport in a shuttle van and take you into town. They have 2 inch pork chops great desserts. Call ahead or from the airport 888-736-2515 or 270-362-8844. If they say they are full ask for Mr. Bill's, it's the same menu just in a different building. - Submitted by Greg
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
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St Louis 26 miles
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St Louis 42 miles
PHT Henry County Paris, TN
St Louis 47 miles
HVC Hopkinsville-Christian County Hopkinsville, KY
St Louis 48 miles
1M7 Fulton Fulton, KY
St Louis 48 miles
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