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Amelia's Landing Hotel, Port Aransas, TX (KRAS)

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Amelia's Landing Hotel

Amelia's Landing Hotel has 23 brand, new deluxe rooms each decorated to reflect a different era of aviation history! Owned by pilots, made for pilots, they offer a free courtesy vehicle to pilots who fly in and stay at the hotel!

Each guest receives breakfast delivered to the room each morning. The hotel is in the heart of Port Aransas, within easy walking distance of dozens of restaurants, bars, and live music! - Submitted by Jay Honeck
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100LL Self Serve 100LL Tiedowns
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Contact Information:
Email: AmeliasLanding@gmail.com
Phone: 361-749-5572
Airport Information:
Mustang Beach (RAS)

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Latitude: 27-48-42.6000N
Longitude: 097-05-19.5000W
Elevation: 5
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.9

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105 N. Alister Street
Port Aransas, TX
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4/2/2021 - My wife and I just enjoyed two nights staying at this hotel. The new owners are extremely kind and helpful. Very centrally located. You can walk too many restaurants and bars. Would highly in Port Aransas. - Submitted by Mike Schoenneman

11/24/2018 - Outstanding, highly recommend for a quick getaway. The airport was nice, parking was quick and easy. The courtesy car was broke, but they called and paid for a cab. Rebecca was super helpful and friendly. First trip for the wife and I, we will be back. - Submitted by Mark A Tacquard

1/29/2014 - Great place to stay! Owner and his wife are both pilots. Just a great place with great people running it. Very clean rooms and a quiet neighborhood. Walking distance to lots of neat places. - Submitted by Rick Dirks
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
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Brownsville 37 miles
07R Bishop Muni Bishop, TX
Brownsville 43 miles
67T Old Hoppe Place Agua Dulce, TX
Brownsville 47 miles
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Amelia's Landing Hotel - Uploaded by Mike

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