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Fly-in Fun, Crisfield, MD (W41)

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Fly-in Fun

Fly-in taxi service sea food capital of the world! Charter fishing, golfing, waterfront homes, runway homes. Home of the Smith Island Cake. Tour boat Smith Island, Tangier Island. - Submitted by John Gillespie
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100LL Tiedowns
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Crisfield-Somerset County (W41)

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Latitude: 38-01-05.4000N
Longitude: 075-49-36.7000W
Elevation: 4
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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Jacksonville Road
Crisfield, MD
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11/27/2017 - laloudermilk@verizon.net
Any places to stay overnight close by? - Submitted by Lisa Loudermilk

2/18/2011 - What are some of the events that are held on the Island on an annual bases? - Submitted by Robert
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
TGI Tangier Island Tangier, VA
Washington 16 miles
MFV Accomack County Melfa, VA
Washington 26 miles
SBY Salisbury-Ocean City Wicomico Rgnl Salisbury, MD
Washington 28 miles
1N5 Bennett Salisbury, MD
Washington 30 miles
CGE Cambridge-Dorchester Rgnl Cambridge, MD
Washington 38 miles
N06 Laurel Laurel, DE
Washington 38 miles
9VG Campbell Field Weirwood, VA
Washington 39 miles
OXB Ocean City Muni Ocean City, MD
Washington 43 miles
2W6 St Mary'S County Rgnl Leonardtown, MD
Washington 44 miles
W75 Hummel Field Saluda, VA
Washington 44 miles
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The Airport - Uploaded by Dave

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