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Friday - Saturday, Feb 14-15, 2025

Right Seat Ready! Companion Seminar, San Luis Obispo, CA

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ACI Jet (SBP), San Luis Obispo, CA

Nothing says I love you like getting your right-seat companion ready for more pleasurable flying in 2025.

Space Limited. Come join us Friday Feb. 14th -15th at ACI Jet in San Luis Obispo, CA.
Right Seat Ready! RSR companion safety seminar helps participants step outside their comfort zone, which in turn expands their world. RSR is a comprehensive and interactive safety course that provides personalized education on aircraft systems, dynamics of flight, emergency procedures, psychological components and much more. Utilizing Redbird simulators, participants get hands-on experience at the controls of a single engine airplane. Interactive Companion Safety Course:

Aircraft Systems
Dynamics of Flight
Emergency Procedures
ATC Communications
Psychological Factors
Redbird Simulator Practice

Also Included:
5 Avemco Insurance Discount
Concierge FBO Services
Right Seat Ready! Nights Social
Door Prize: Lightspeed Zulu 3 Headset
Flight School Add-On Services Available

Pricing: 2-Day Course with Redbird Simulator Session: $249.00 includes course materials, lunch, night social event.

Contact: Jolie Lucas
Phone: 805-709-6619
Website: https://jolielucas.com/right-seat-ready.html
Airport Information:
San Luis County Rgnl (SBP)
More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 35-14-14.2000N
Longitude: 120-38-33.4000W
Elevation: 212
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 124
Unicom: 122.95
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