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Neversweat Oklahoma - 1OK0


Bristow, Oklahoma

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Airport Location:
FAA Identifier: 1OK0
Latitude/Longitude: 35-53-40.2990N / 096-16-46.0140W
35.8944 / -96.2794
Elevation: 775 feet MSL (Estimated)
Magnetic Variation: 06E (1985)
Land Area Covered: acres
From City: 6 nautical miles NE of Bristow, OK
County/Parish: Creek, OK
Airport Operations:
Airport Use: Private
Sectional Chart: Dallas-Ft Worth
Control Tower: No
ARTCC: Kansas City Center (ZKC)
FSS: Mc Alester Flight Service Station ()
Attendance: UNATNDD
Wind Indicator: Yes
Segmented Circle: No
Landing Fee: No
Unicom: 122.8
Airframe Repair: None
Power Plant Repair: None
Runway Information:
Runway: N/S
Dimensions: 1968 x 70 ft.
Surface: Grass, sod
Airport Ownership and Management:
Ownership: Privately Owned
Owner: Lawanna Gonzales
18503 S 257 W Ave
Bristow, OK 74010
Manager: Lawanna Gonzales
Rr 3 Box 453
Bristow, OK 74010
Sectional Map:
Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
3F7 Jones Memorial Bristow, OK - Public Dallas-Ft Worth 10 miles
RVS Richard Lloyd Jones Jr Tulsa, OK - Public Kansas City 19 miles
OWP William R Pogue Muni Sand Springs, OK - Public Kansas City 21 miles
SUD Stroud Muni Stroud, OK - Public Dallas-Ft Worth 22 miles
4F1 Westport Westport, OK - Public Kansas City 23 miles
OKM Okmulgee Rgnl Okmulgee, OK - Public Dallas-Ft Worth 24 miles
CUH Cushing Muni Cushing, OK - Public Dallas-Ft Worth 28 miles
95F Cleveland Muni Cleveland, OK - Public Kansas City 29 miles
TUL Tulsa Intl Tulsa, OK - Public Kansas City 30 miles
1H6 Harvey Young Tulsa, OK - Public Kansas City 31 miles
CQB Chandler Rgnl Chandler, OK - Public Dallas-Ft Worth 33 miles
F81 Okemah Flying Field Okemah, OK - Public Dallas-Ft Worth 34 miles
2K9 Haskell Haskell, OK - Public Dallas-Ft Worth 35 miles
2F6 Skiatook Muni Skiatook, OK - Public Kansas City 35 miles
F10 Henryetta Muni Henryetta, OK - Public Dallas-Ft Worth 37 miles
O47 Prague Muni Prague, OK - Public Dallas-Ft Worth 38 miles
O38 Gundys Owasso, OK - Public Kansas City 38 miles
H92 Hominy Muni Hominy, OK - Public Kansas City 38 miles
K11 Sam Riggs Airpark Claremore, OK - Public Kansas City 42 miles
0K6 Dobie'S Inola, OK - Public Kansas City 43 miles
H97 Pawnee Muni Pawnee, OK - Public Kansas City 45 miles
SRE Seminole Muni Seminole, OK - Public Dallas-Ft Worth 48 miles
SWO Stillwater Rgnl Stillwater, OK - Public Wichita 49 miles
Nearby Private Airports: (20 mile radius)
OL23 Morris Sapulpa, OK - Private Dallas-Ft Worth 11 miles
OK69 Malinchak Pvt Bristow, OK - Private Dallas-Ft Worth 11 miles
03OK Sahoma Lake Sapulpa, OK - Private Kansas City 12 miles
2OK4 Ragwing Acres Mounds, OK - Private Dallas-Ft Worth 13 miles
OK36 Duckcreek Mounds, OK - Private Dallas-Ft Worth 15 miles
3OK8 Flying G Ranch Sand Springs, OK - Private Kansas City 16 miles
51OK Eagle Creek Beggs, OK - Private Dallas-Ft Worth 16 miles
OK13 Erroport Mounds, OK - Private Dallas-Ft Worth 18 miles
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