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Moore Ranch Texas - 24TA


Moore Ranch
Centerville, Texas

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Airport Location:
FAA Identifier: 24TA
Latitude/Longitude: 31-12-47.6560N / 095-49-38.8330W
31.2131 / -95.8272
Elevation: 315 feet MSL (Estimated)
Magnetic Variation: 06E (1985)
Land Area Covered: acres
From City: 9 nautical miles E of Centerville, TX
County/Parish: Leon, TX
Airport Operations:
Airport Use: Private
Activiation Date: 11/1/1990 12:00:00 AM
Sectional Chart: Houston
Control Tower: No
ARTCC: Houston Center (ZHU)
FSS: Montgomery County Flight Service Station ()
Attendance: UNATNDD
Wind Indicator:
Segmented Circle: No
Runway Information:
Runway: 17/35
Dimensions: 2500 x 70 ft.
Surface: Grass, sod
Airport Ownership and Management:
Ownership: Privately Owned
Owner: Harold R. Moore
764 W. Commerce
Fairfield, TX 75840
Manager: Harold R. Moore
764 W. Commerce
Fairfield, TX 75840
Sectional Map:
    Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
    51R Madisonville Muni Madisonville, TX - Public Houston 22 miles
    DKR Houston County Crockett, TX - Public Houston 26 miles
    UTS Huntsville Muni Huntsville, TX - Public Houston 35 miles
    PSN Palestine Muni Palestine, TX - Public Houston 40 miles
    33R Groveton-Trinity County Groveton, TX - Public Houston 40 miles
    68F Teague Muni Teague, TX - Public Houston 42 miles
    CFD Coulter Field Bryan, TX - Public Houston 46 miles
    Nearby Private Airports: (20 mile radius)
    70TA Zoch Centerville, TX - Private Houston 4 miles
    TE01 Dillard Ranch Centerville, TX - Private Houston 7 miles
    TA82 Trinity Field Midway, TX - Private Houston 11 miles
    47TS Hensarling Madisonville, TX - Private Houston 13 miles
    80TS M Y Ranch Crockett, TX - Private Houston 17 miles
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