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Mendenhall Airstrip Oregon - 2OG5


Mendenhall Airstrip
Willamina, Oregon

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Airport Location:
FAA Identifier: 2OG5
Latitude/Longitude: 45-07-04.7200N / 123-30-23.2500W
45.1178 / -123.5064
Elevation: 350 feet MSL (Estimated)
Magnetic Variation: ()
Land Area Covered: acres
From City: 3 nautical miles NW of Willamina, OR
County/Parish: Yamhill, OR
Airport Operations:
Airport Use: Private
Activiation Date: 11/1/2007 12:00:00 AM
Sectional Chart: Seattle
Control Tower: No
ARTCC: Seattle Center (ZSE)
FSS: Mc Minnville Flight Service Station ()
Attendance: UNATNDD
Wind Indicator:
Segmented Circle:
Runway Information:
Runway: 12/30
Dimensions: 700 x 50 ft.
Surface: Grass, sod
Airport Ownership and Management:
Ownership: Privately Owned
Owner: Walter Mendenhall
38600 Sw Tindle Creek Road
Willamina, OR 97396
Manager: Walter Mendenhall
38600 Sw Tindle Creek Road
Willamina, OR 97396
Sectional Map:
    Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
    MMV Mc Minnville Muni Mc Minnville, OR - Public Seattle 19 miles
    PFC Pacific City State Pacific City, OR - Public Seattle 23 miles
    7S5 Independence State Independence, OR - Public Seattle 23 miles
    TMK Tillamook Tillamook, OR - Public Seattle 26 miles
    17S Chehalem Airpark Newberg, OR - Public Seattle 26 miles
    SLE Mcnary Fld Salem, OR - Public Seattle 29 miles
    2S6 Sportsman Airpark Newberg, OR - Public Seattle 30 miles
    S45 Siletz Bay State Gleneden Beach, OR - Public Seattle 30 miles
    7S3 Stark'S Twin Oaks Airpark Hillsboro, OR - Public Seattle 35 miles
    UAO Aurora State Aurora, OR - Public Seattle 37 miles
    7S9 Lenhardt Airpark Hubbard, OR - Public Seattle 37 miles
    4S4 Skyport Cornelius, OR - Public Seattle 39 miles
    S12 Albany Muni Albany, OR - Public Seattle 40 miles
    HIO Portland-Hillsboro Portland, OR - Public Seattle 40 miles
    5S4 Toledo State Toledo, OR - Public Seattle 42 miles
    CVO Corvallis Muni Corvallis, OR - Public Klamath Falls 44 miles
    3S7 Nehalem Bay State Manzanita, OR - Public Seattle 45 miles
    4S9 Mulino State Portland-Mulino, OR - Public Seattle 45 miles
    ONP Newport Muni Newport, OR - Public Seattle 46 miles
    S30 Lebanon State Lebanon, OR - Public Seattle 49 miles
    Nearby Private Airports: (20 mile radius)
    91OR Abba'S Sheridan, OR - Private Seattle 4 miles
    OG23 Poverty Hollow Sheridan, OR - Private Seattle 6 miles
    67OG George Sheridan, OR - Private Seattle 8 miles
    98OR Deer Creek Sheridan, OR - Private Seattle 9 miles
    OR71 Morgan'S Ballston, OR - Private Klamath Falls 9 miles
    OG44 Watts Landing Amity, OR - Private Seattle 13 miles
    OR95 Vineyard Mc Coy, OR - Private Seattle 14 miles
    18OR Red'S Field Amity, OR - Private Seattle 16 miles
    64OR Plum Valley Amity, OR - Private Seattle 17 miles
    OR05 Flying M Yamhill, OR - Private Seattle 18 miles
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