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Emerald Mountain Alabama - 2AL3


Emerald Mountain
Wetumpka, Alabama

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Airport Location:
FAA Identifier: 2AL3
Latitude/Longitude: 32-27-19.4910N / 086-07-09.0000W
32.4553 / -86.1192
Elevation: 365 feet MSL (Estimated)
Magnetic Variation: 01W (1990)
Land Area Covered: acres
From City: 7 nautical miles SE of Wetumpka, AL
County/Parish: Elmore, AL
Airport Operations:
Airport Use: Private
Activiation Date: 1/1/1994 12:00:00 AM
Sectional Chart: Atlanta
Control Tower: No
ARTCC: Atlanta Center (ZTL)
FSS: Anniston Flight Service Station ()
Attendance: UNATNDD
Wind Indicator: Yes - Lighted
Segmented Circle: No
Lights: See Rmk
Unicom: 122.8
Runway Information:
Runway: 06/24
Dimensions: 2750 x 80 ft.
Surface: Grass, sod - in good condition
Runway Edge Lights: Low intensity
Airport Ownership and Management:
Ownership: Privately Owned
Owner: Sim Allen
407 Peace Church Rd
Wetumpka, AL 36092
Manager: Sim Allen
407 Peace Church Rd
Wetumpka, AL 36092
Sectional Map:
Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
08A Wetumpka Muni Wetumpka, AL - Public Atlanta 13 miles
41A Reeves Tallassee, AL - Public Atlanta 15 miles
MGM Montgomery Rgnl (dannelly Field) Montgomery, AL - Public Atlanta 19 miles
1A9 Prattville - Grouby Field Prattville, AL - Public Atlanta 23 miles
06A Moton Field Muni Tuskegee, AL - Public Atlanta 26 miles
07A Franklin Field Union Springs, AL - Public Atlanta 27 miles
ALX Thomas C Russell Fld Alexander City, AL - Public Atlanta 33 miles
02A Chilton County Clanton, AL - Public Atlanta 40 miles
AUO Auburn University Rgnl Auburn, AL - Public Atlanta 41 miles
TOI Troy Muni Airport At N Kenneth Campbell Fi Troy, AL - Public New Orleans 42 miles
67A Fort Deposit-Lowndes County Fort Deposit, AL - Public New Orleans 43 miles
Nearby Private Airports: (20 mile radius)
AL12 Kershaw Montgomery, AL - Private Atlanta 7 miles
AL79 Bartlett Ranch Pike Road, AL - Private Atlanta 13 miles
MXF Maxwell AFB Montgomery, AL - Private Atlanta 15 miles
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